What body type are you?
Ectomorph. Okej... och vad innebär det?
Bumbi är min lilla informationsguru när det gäller träning och hälsa. Ibland när jag sitter här och tror mig ha koll på läget så skickar hon en länk till en artikel med för mig helt ny information. Som det där med Gainomax. Visst, med lite sunt förnuft kunde man räknat ut det själv, men nu gjorde jag ju inte det.
Nyaste infon är det här med olika kroppstyper.
Alla människor är olika och därför fungerar inte heller samma träning och diet likadant för olika personer. Men tydligen kan de flesta, i stora drag, delas in i tre (eller egentligen fyra) olika kroppstyper. Som en slags schablon. Och utifrån den kroppstyp gäller då särskilda förutsättningar som inte kan appliceras på de andra kroppstyperna. (Mer info om alla kroppstyper kommer längre ner.) För en del är det hård cardioträning som gäller men för vissa så är det få reps med tunga vikter. Beroende på mål förstås. Men enligt schablonen så har man oftast ungefär samma mål inom samma grupp.
Men som sagt, man måste hela tiden komma ihåg att alla människor är olika! Detta är bara en bra utgångspunkt, sen får man förstås prova sig fram.
För min del var detta en liten aha-upplevelse. Lite skrämmande hur väl vissa saker passar in på mig! Men samtidigt, det kanske är som med horoskop… att man letar efter det som faktiskt stämmer?
As an ectomorph body type, you're as delicate inside as you are outside. You're often introverted, artistic, private and thoughtful. Your skin may burn easily and you may suffer from extreme body temperatures. Your hair is often fine and grows quickly.
With an ectomorph body type, your metabolism is super fast, which means you're usually trying to gain weight and muscle mass. The first port of call is to take supplements (both protein and other) to get your calorie intake up easily and healthily (no - you can't just eat chocolate!).
Try to work out 3-4 times a week and do loads of stretching and toning exercises including pilates, yoga, body balance, or thai chi.
If you have an ectomorph body type, you tend to:
- Be slim, skinny and find it hard to gain weight and muscles
- Have hips and shoulders that are approximately the same width
- Have delicate build, narrow hips and pelvis and long arms and legs
- Have lesser fat and muscle mass
- Have small bones and joints
- Enjoy a faster metabolism, so you're able to burn more calories even at rest
- Have the inherent capacity for cardiovascular endurance that enables you to maintain your lean body

Female Body Types
Ectomorph |
Mesomorph |
Meso-endomorph |
Endomorph |
Female ectomorphs are waif-like and slim, with thin necks, shoulders, hips, wrists, calves, and ankles – a “ruler” shape. Ectomorphs usually put on weight in their stomach and upper hips, while maintaining slender arms and legs. Taller female ectomorphs tend to be slightly more muscular and are often skilled at endurance sports, but lack the ability to develop curves without the proper exercise program |
Female mesomorphs tend to have a classic “hourglass” shape, with wide shoulders and hips, and a distinctively narrow waist. They tend to both gain weight and lose weight proportionally in the hips and buttocks, upper back and chest, and have curvy bodies that balance out a bikini top and bottom. A slight weight gain can appear sizeable because the mesomorph’s body fat easily hides muscle. This type tends to be very athletic and good at a variety of sports and activities |
Because of the biological tendency for females to carry more fat than males, female meso-endomorphs are far more common than the male equivalent cross of an ectomorph and mesomorph. They tend to have mid-thickness waists and ankles, small to medium size shoulders and chests, and wider hips – a “pear” shape. Although out-of-shape meso-endomorphs appear to have a frail upper body with a disproportionately large lower body, they can easily create balance with a proper exercise program. |
Female endomorphs are generally bigger on the top half of their bodies than on the bottom. They commonly have narrow hips and a large chest and stomach, with a curvaceous “apple” shape. Endomorphs tend to gain weight above the waist or along the buttocks. They are typically good at cardiovascular endurance, but can easily put on weight without a customized exercise and nutrition program. |
Några av sidorna där jag hämtat information: